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Signal & Data Analysis in Neuroscience (27-505) - Recitation


Second semester, 2024


Zoom room- link


Important links:


Recitation instructions and gradings- link


Projects and Recitation Quizzes grades - link


Youtube channel- link



Self learning: Statistics and probability rehearsal- notes, quiz

Lesson 1, 8.5: Signal sampling, firing rate, convolution, SNR and stochastic processes- notes, quiz
Lesson 2, 15.5: Tuning curves, stochastic processes, Poisson processes- notes, quiz
Lesson 3, 22.5: Single and Multiple point processes- notes, quiz

Lesson 4, 29.5: PSTH, STA, linear kernels and GLM, ROC- notes, quiz

Lesson 5, 5.6: Rehearsal and decoding: population vector and estimators- notes

Lesson 6, 19.6: decoding: population vector and estimators, Information theory- notes, quiz

Lesson 7, 3.7: frequency domain I: Nyquist, Fourier transform, Systems- notes, quiz

Lesson 8, 7.7,10.7: frequency domain II: Systems, filters- notes, quiz

Lesson 9, 17.7: frequency domain III: Spectral analysis- notes, quiz


Previous years hebrew recordings:


1. Signal sampling, firing rate, convolution, SNR and stochastic processes- recording (2023),recording (2022)

2. Tuning curves, Stochastic processes, Point process- recording (2023),recording (2022)

3. Single and Multiple point processes- recording (2023),recording (2022)

4. PSTH, STA, linear kernels and GLM- recording (2023)recording (2022)

5. ROC and quiz preparation- recording (2023)recording (2022)

6. decoding, population vector and estimators - recording (2023)recording (2022)

7. optimization - recording (2023)recording (2022)

8. information theory- recording (2023), recording (2022)

9. dimensionality redution (PCA and ICA)- recording (2023), recording (2022)

10. clustering- recording (2022)

11. frequency domain I: Nyquist, fourier transform- recording (2022)

12. frequency domain II: Systems, filters- recording (2022)

13. frequency domain III: Spectral analysis- recording (2022)

14. frequency domain IV: Wavelets- recording (2020)

© 2016 Izhar Bar-Gad's lab at Bar-Ilan University. Ramat-Gan 52900, Israel  Tel: +972-3-5317141   contact us by Email

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